Macdonald Excavating
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The Ruston-Bucyrus Dragline

Click here to view ratings for the 30-RB

Macdonald Excavating originally started with the 10-RB dragline, undertaking drainage work around Mossburn and Te Anau. In 2014, Macdonald Excavating was lucky to be advised of a 30-RB dragline which was for sale, with only 1092 hours on the clock. The 30-RB was being used for crane and pile driving work by Hopkins Engineering. 

Environment Canterbury heard of the machine, and with a large canal needing cleaned out, they approached Macdonald Excavating. The 30-RB had not been previously used as a dragline and did not have a fairlead, so the search began for a fairlead.

With no luck in New Zealand, Macdonald Excavating approached RB Cranes in England to supply a fairlead from there. Once the fairlead was fitted and the machine serviced, it was transported to the end of the Halswell River at the north end of Lake Ellesmere where it was used to clear out the lower reaches of the Halswell River. 

Why use a dragline?

With a reach of up to 30 metres and a 1m³ bucket, the 30-RB dragline is the perfect machine for clearing rivers and sludge ponds, pile driving and general crane work. The dragline can throw the disused material a long way away. 

Previous dragline projects

Over the past few years, Macdonald Excavating's dragline has been used for a variety of large projects in Canterbury and Southland. As well as clearing the Halswell river entry into Lake Ellesmere (click to see the testimonial from Mike Hyett, Environment Canterbury), the dragline was also used to clear the entry to the sea between Lake Ellesmere and the ocean.

Macdonald Excavating has also been involved in working for the Invercargill City Council to empty sludge ponds at the Invercargill sewage plant. Read the testimonial from Russell Keen, Invercargill City Council.


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